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  • 企业培训热门课程是什么(企业培训课程机构)

    来源:中国企业家研修网 169 2023-09-21




    Changing your major during the international student application process can be stressful but necessary. It may come as a realization that your interests or career goals differ from the subject listed in your application, or you find difficulty coping with the curriculum. Whatever the reason, it is important to note that changing your major is possible, but careful consideration must be taken before making the decision.

    Researching Potential Majors

    Before deciding on changing your major, conduct thorough research on other courses offered by your university. Identify which courses match your newfound interests or career goals. Inquire about the academic qualifications required to change your major and what the application process entails. Reach out to academic advisers or professors of the prospective major to gain insight into what coursework, internships, or research opportunities exist. This research allows you to make an informed decision and gain a better understanding of what you can expect.

    Updating Your Application

    After researching potential majors, check if the university will allow you to update your application to reflect the new major. If the university permits this, check if a supplemental essay is necessary to explain your decision to change your major. This essay should emphasize how the new major aligns with your academic and career aspirations and 看试的结果,以积极的心态面对考试。






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